Antalya Bicycle Festival Association, namely ANBİFED, started foundation preparations with the beginning of 2015. ANBİFED applied to Antalya Governorate’s Directory of Associations on 10.03.2015, and it is officially founded on 16.03.2015 with the authorisation of the Governorate.
We are proud of organising the international festival we first established with the support of Antalya Governorate in 2012, in Antalya for two years, in Manavgat for two years, and in Kemer for two years with the support of local municipalities and our sponsors.
Our members, consisting solely of voluntary bicycle lovers, work to their best for promoting the natural and historical beauty of Antalya and its surroundings to local and international bicycle lovers, for contributing the promotion of our city and for hosting our guests with famous Turkish hospitality.